
January 12, 2024

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a b-b-b-b-BEAST! Idris Elba needs a new agent, man. This guy is such an incredible actor but him being so good might actually be a detriment to this movie cause the rest of the cast can’t keep up. This movie is super ambitious but comes up short. There’s so many long shots that don’t cut away but I couldn’t help but notice the cues. Like, I could almost see the other actors reacting to the movement of the camera like, ok have this conversation…. NOW, and pick up this thing… NOW, move over here… NOW. I could feel them trying to hit their marks and once I noticed it, nothing felt natural after.

Speaking of nature, the lion looked pretty good. You could really feel the weight of its attacks, especially in that scene where Idris is under the vehicle. I mean this thing apparently killed an entire village on its own. But damn, were the humans dumb as hell. Why did ya boy take the gun and fuck off far away from the moderate safety of the car to the water? Was it a river? A lake? Whatever, let me get shin deep so I definitely won’t be able to run or maneuver in any way once this lion comes to fuck me up. Why not just post up on top on the vehicle and wait for the demon to show its face again then BAM.

I think I blacked out during this movie. I just remember making jokes with my sister about people getting pulled away by the lion only to reappear like they just got shoved out of the makeup room and back into the scene. That being said, the makeup effects were very good, but I really think the last scene where Idris is getting mauled would’ve benefited from some digital effects - just to show chunks missing from him. I mean dude got batted around like he was practically weightless. I really think he should’ve ended up 30 pounds lighter after the ordeal.

There were poachers, too. They existed to be killed by a lion. Cause lions can only be killed by other lions. Guns just aren’t strong enough.

This movie was not very good.
